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Sneh Joshi's Horoscopes (Sun Signs) Week beg. 24th October 2016

Writer's picture: Sneh JoshiSneh Joshi

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March 21 - April 20

During this period you are planning for your future and become excited about an idea that promises much greener pastures for you. You are very positive and optimistic but you should not get carried away by your enthusiasm. Keep both your feet firmly on the ground to realise your goals.


April 21 - May 21

A great deal will depend on how you organise your priorities this week. This does not mean that you will have to compromise your ideals but you may be obliged to realise that sometimes a more flexible approach is needed. Your best line of action this week is to stick doggedly to familiar routines and avoid all distractions where possible.


May 22 - June 21

It is certainly going to be a fortunate time for those already married or in an established relationship. The keynote is emotional enrichment through close interaction with a loved one. Facets of your life that have been a source of restriction and dissatisfaction will begin to loosen their hold.


June 22 - July 22

You will have plenty of energy and drive to improve your status and at the same time achieve financial prosperity - you must make good use of the energy that is flowing, by channelling it positively! Creativity, romance and leisure all receive a tonic.


July 23 - August 23

Things get a little easier now and you can relax. It's been a hectic time as you've tried to accomplish a great deal. It is a good time to consolidate your gains. You need to to settle down and remember patience brings happiness. Relationships need to be re-assessed, though a positive outcome is indicated.


August 24 - September 23

You’re likely to receive insights into where everything is going and these may shape your life for months to come. Virgoans can look forward to advancing both personal and professional ambitions from now onwards. There are opportunities to expand your sphere of operations and you and a partner could really go places.


September 24 - October 23

At home, be at your diplomatic best and try not to tread on anyone's toes. Passions will run from hot to cold, and relationships may suffer. Even the most strong-willed Librans will be more open to compromise to keep the peace. Plan your spending and set sensible budgets. All things considered, your health should be robust.


October 24 - November 22

There are subtle transformations taking shape in you life and a feeling of helpful influences in the background. There is much to suggest that you are in tune with your inner self and in touch with those hidden forces which often seem to take a guiding hand in one's life. Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation.


November 23 - December 21

Sun's transit of your 12th Solar House indicates that experience will put you in a deeply reflective mood. This is a favourable time for getting away from usual routines and seeking a retreat for a few days. All the better if you are interested in such things as meditation, yoga and therapies that help you to get in closer touch with your inner self.


December 22 - January 20

Guard against being too impatient and restless. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes and be cautious about other people's enthusiasm which is likely to be misplaced. Make a very conscious attempt to stick to main priorities. Organise your time so that it is not taken up entirely by the demands of other people.


January 21 - February 19

You will feel confident as the week begins. The cosmic energies are decidedly invigorating at the moment. If you are taking a holiday, so much the better. It’s an exciting, expansive time, when you should find it easier to be who you are and do what you want.


February 20 - March 20

The pattern of significant relationships in your life will continue to favour you. It seems that a great deal of mutual benefit will accrue because of various interactions. This is an excellent time for dealing with long-term money matters. You also stand to benefit through a bonus, rebate or perhaps a lucky windfall.

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