07951 499 880
March 21 - April 20
A tremendous amount of planetary activity in your chart signals a time of mixed emotions as well as personal issues to be dealt with. Although the very practical affairs of life continue to be highlighted, this does not mean that there will be all work and no play. Your pioneering personality always shows through.
April 21 - May 21
It is certainly going to be a fortunate time for those in established relationships. The keynote is emotional enrichment through close interaction with a loved one. Facets of your life that have been a source of restriction and dissatisfaction will begin to loosen their hold.
May 22 - June 21
A great deal will depend on how you organise your priorities this week. This does not mean that you will have to compromise your ideals but you may be obliged to realise that sometimes a more flexible approach is needed. Your best line of action this week is to stick doggedly to familiar routines and avoid all distractions where possible.
June 22 - July 22
This week seems to be jam-packed with activity. The powerful Venus in your solar 5th house and Mars factor not only encourages amorous attachment but will bring luck and recognition to those involved in artistic endeavours and entertainments - this is a great time of opportunity.
July 23 - August 23
Don't be afraid to act forcefully if your instinct tells you it's time for change. If you know your ground and are not afraid to stick your neck out, you can create your own opportunities. Besides spending time on domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations, so to speak.
August 24 - September 23
You have everything to gain by following creative inclinations. If you have new ideas, now is the time to put them into practice. Whatever your present interests you are likely to find that new doors open and the way ahead offers increased scope for expressing your real self. A great time to meet and interact with people.
September 24 - October 23
You will have plenty of energy and drive to improve your status and at the same time achieve financial prosperity - you must make good use of the energy that is flowing, by channeling it positively! Creativity, romance and leisure all receive a tonic.
October 24 - November 22
Your thinking is inspired, so listen to your thoughts. This may be a time of expansion and improved opportunity and it would be unwise to let yourself become complacent. A good time for restructuring and rethinking your aims and interests. Affairs of the heart are likely to flourish.
November 23 - December 21
You may find yourself hard at work behind the scenes, although that may not be apparent to others. You may find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of activity, with opportunities to advance on both the inner and outer level. There’s a sparkle to your social life and you will have fun communicating with others.
December 22 - January 20
You can expect a sustained and quite hectic flow of visitors to contribute greatly to a very buoyant atmosphere. If you are ambitious, this promises to be an important time in your life. You are likely to get the lucky breaks and reach a wider audience no matter what your aims.
January 21 - February 19
The prevailing cosmic pattern packs a powerful punch early this week. Having such potent energies, make you feel positive and confident in whatever you do. This is not the time to hold back or underestimate your potential if you wish to further an important aim. Some of you will try to get away from the routine chores.
February 20 - March 20
Your horizons have most certainly been expanding. So many planets in the area of your chart ruling long-distance travel and philosophical thoughts will make your mind run wild. With Venus and Jupiter transiting that sector too for some time, there will be many romantic opportunities. Your financial affairs are looking up too.