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What are Chakras and how do we align them?

Writer's picture: Healing Energy RocksHealing Energy Rocks

Updated: Oct 3, 2021

The Sanskrit word Chakra first appeared in the Vedas, the most authoritative Hindu text, thousands of years ago. In Ayurveda, yoga and meditation chakras refer to wheels of energy in our body and the seven most important chakras start from the base of our spine and end at the crown of our head.

When our chakras are blocked, we are more likely to suffer from illnesses. It is therefore in our interest to keep our chakras aligned and to ensure that our energy flows freely.

What are the seven chakras and what do they mean for me?

1. First Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara)

The First Chakra, the Root Chakra, represents our foundation. It is red and located at the base of our spine. When this chakra is properly aligned we feel grounded and secure.

When this chakra is blocked we often feel anxious, threatened or panicked especially when it comes to issues related to food, shelter and money. We may constantly be worried about our well-being and this could manifest itself physically in the form of lower back aches, digestive discomfort, low energy levels and a low immune system.

Changes in our life that could trigger our Root Chakra to become misaligned include the loss of a job, the break up of a relationship, financial difficulties, conflict with close family members or friends and health issues.

How to open and unblock your Root Chakra

Gemstones carry a lot of energy and can be very beneficial for us when they are worn correctly. You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) any red gemstones for example Red Jasper, Red Coral, Bloodstone or Obsidian to unblock your Root Chakra. Our Root Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so red organic fruits and vegetables like strawberries and tomatoes would also be very beneficial for us.

2. Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

The Second Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, represents our creative and sexual energy. It is orange and located in the middle of our abdomen (below the belly button). When this chakra is properly aligned we feel confident, artistic, creative and imaginative. Our sex drive is usually high and our potential for growth is strong.

When this chakra is blocked we often feel bored, uninspired and unmotivated. We may have a low sex drive and our resistance to change is heightened.

We may be influenced by negative feedback about our creativity and sexuality and our Sacral Chakra may become blocked by anything we feel is boring, repetitive or stifling. This could manifest itself physically in the form of a low libido, less energy, issues with our bladder and worsened allergies.

Changes in our life that could trigger our Sacral Chakra to become blocked or misaligned include the incompatibility in a relationship (on both a physical and emotional level), creative output rejections and problems with our reproductive health.

How to open and unblock your Sacral Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) orange gemstones like Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite or Moonstone to unblock your Sacral Chakra. Our Sacral Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so orange fruits and vegetables like oranges and carrots would also be very beneficial for us.

3. Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

The Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, represents our self-esteem, determination and autonomy. It is yellow and located around the stomach area (at the top of our abdomen). It is often referred to as the “Personal Power Chakra” because when it is properly aligned we have clarity and we know what we have to do in order to achieve success and implement it effectively. When this chakra is open we feel confident, independent and accomplished.

When this chakra is blocked we often feel insecure and suffer from low self-esteem. This could manifest itself physically in the form of digestive ailments and troubles with our memory.

How to open and unblock your Solar Plexus Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) yellow gemstones like Citrine, Tiger’s Eye or Agate to unblock your Solar Plexus Chakra. Our Solar Plexus Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so yellow fruits and vegetables like lemons and corn would also be very beneficial for us.

4. Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata)

The Fourth Chakra, the Heart Chakra, represents our capacity for love and compassion. It is green and located directly above our hearts. When this chakra is properly aligned we feel emotionally open and secure, empathetic towards others and we have inner peace.

When this chakra is blocked we often struggle to relate to other people, we are impatient, less compassionate, find it difficult to trust and lack inner peace. This could manifest itself physically in the form of high blood pressure and a low immune system.

Changes in our life that could trigger our Heart Chakra to become misaligned include the break-up of a relationship, conflict with close family members or friends and grief.

How to open and unblock your Heart Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) any green gemstones for example Jade, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline or Rose Quartz to unblock your Heart Chakra. Our Heart Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so green organic fruits and vegetables like kiwi and cucumber would also be very beneficial for us.

5. Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra, represents our self-expression and how we communicate with the outside world. It is blue and located in the middle of our throat. When this chakra is properly aligned we are able to communicate confidently and directly without being perceived as blunt.

When this chakra is blocked we often have miscommunications either at work or with loved ones. This could manifest itself physically in the form of pain in the neck, throat tissue discomfort and sensitivity to hormone fluctuations.

How to open and unblock your Throat Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) any blue gemstones for example Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite, Turquoise or Aquamarine to unblock your Throat Chakra. Our Throat Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so blue organic fruits like blueberries would also be very beneficial for us.

6. Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Sixth Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, represents our intuition, alignment with the universe and our ability to see the bigger picture more clearly. It is indigo and located in the centre of our brows. When this chakra is properly aligned we trust our gut feelings, pick up signs more easily and plan according to our greatest goals otherwise known as the Law of Attraction.

When this chakra is blocked we often feel insignificant, do not have confidence in our ability to achieve our wider purpose and feel unable to make decisions. This could manifest itself physically in the form of headaches (migraines), sinus pain, eye discomfort and back and leg pain.

Changes in our life that could trigger our Third Eye Chakra to become misaligned include death, grief, health issues, job loss or divorce.

How to open and unblock your Third Eye Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) any indigo gemstones for example Amethyst, Purple Fluorite or Black Obsidian to unblock your Third Eye Chakra. Our Third Eye Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so indigo organic fruits and vegetables like red grapes and purple cabbage would also be very beneficial for us.

7. Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, represents our spiritual connectivity. It is violet and located at the top of our heads. It is often referred to as the “Thousand Petal Lotus Chakra” because when it is properly aligned we attain a feeling of inner peace and we live the life we love.

When this chakra is blocked we often feel depressed and suffer from a lack of excitement and motivation in life. This could manifest itself physically in the form of chronic headaches and problems with physical coordination.

Changes in our life that could trigger our Root Chakra to become misaligned include the loss of a job, the break-up of a relationship, financial difficulties, conflict with close family members or friends and health issues.

How to open and unblock your Crown Chakra

You can carry or wear (in the form of jewellery) any violet or clear gemstones for example Clear Quartz, Sugilite or Selenite to unblock your Crown Chakra. Our Crown Chakra is opened by anything connected to nature so organic fruits and vegetables like red grapes and egg plant would also be very beneficial for us.


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